Please help me bring these life-skill lessons into our schools, by making a pledge within 21 days:-)
[url=http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1192598874/life-hacs-school-lessons] CLICK HERE TO SEE REWARDS
I have developed this eight-part lesson program as the first in a series which teaches students about confidence, clarity, purpose, understanding, awareness, choice, boundaries and so much more.
The aim is to teach the students to be more aware and better prepared for life as they grow into adulthood. They will start to identify what makes themselves and others ‘tick’.
The pilot course has been designed for students aged 11-13 years, as I believe this is the most receptive stage to integrate these teachings. They will be mature enough to understand the concepts, and still willing to think and reason independently.
Read more by clicking on PLAY, thank you so much for taking this seriously. It's the tipping point of something great and well overdue. I believe together we can make a difference, going forward.
Best regards,
22 days to go and it's all or nothing by the deadline.