BillboardMe - Live Updates Page, Papanui, Christchurch

Keeping in touch - Stay on Schedule

As SME's (Small to Medium Enterprises) we all get busy, and yes this update is as much a telling off to myself than possibly a lot of you, who are diligently keeping in touch with your loyal customers.

As we juggle a number of other things in our lives with work, we mustn't forget the very simple thing of keeping in touch. With this in mind I thought it was timely to remind us all how simple it can be. Take 10mins to schedule a news update as you may be pleasantly surprised at the response. See Two Top Tips Below:

*Don’t depend on subscribers to be responsive if they can’t depend on you to deliver news & updates, however, it is just as important to not over-deliver messages.

*By being consistent, your subscribers will know what to expect and be more likely to open your emails. They might even end up searching for your messages within their inbox on a regular basis.

Happy Marketing - Catherine

Phone: 03 390 9899
Mobile: 021 398 999